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Wednesday, 24 July 2013

How to Plan Your Ramadan Meals

Hello readers! How is your fasting going up to now? Can't believe that 1/3 of the Ramadhan month has passed us. So sad, isn't it? Since we only get to encounter it once a year. Anyhow, due to the month of Ramadhan, I might not be posting up recipes because I'm doing less cooking, but I will share with you some tips that I got from my halaqah to make the most time for your ibadah in Ramadhan.

Who loves to cook and spend hours in the kitchen? I'm one of them, hehe. Well, in the fasting month, every minute is so precious that it is even too precious to be wasted just for cooking. So, in the fasting month, try to spend less time in the kitchen. If you usually cook for almost 2 hours (or more) and even had the time to bake cakes or cookies, please hold the urge. Try to cook less than an hour and only bake cakes and cookies when you are on your period.

This is very important in order to achieve efficient cooking and effective grocery shopping. I know how painful it is if you have to think what to cook every other day. Save your time and pain by planning ahead your menu; what you would like to cook during Ramadhan. So you will have more time to concentrate on your ibadah and not flipping cooking books nor browsing for recipes. It helps you to spend less time for grocery shopping as well, and you know when to restock.

If you can't cook from scratch in less than an hour, stock up some ready made pasta sauces or instant spices (such as soto, rawon, balado, etc). By stocking up, you're saving your time from grocery shopping! If you love your own recipe, you can whip up a big batch of blended spices and freeze them in one-time-cooking portions. When you need them, just take them out of the freezer.

A member of my halaqah said that in Ramadhan her husband likes to eat soup-y stuff. When I thought about it, I think that's a great idea because it helps your throat to swallow the food (especially for sahur). So, during this Ramadhan, the menu I have planned is all soup based.

My friend say to just order Lebaran cookies from your favorite shop. But if no one makes the same good cookies as you, you can still make your own cookies but NOT in the last 10 days of Ramadhan. The last ten days is the time when we should make the best of our time, the best of our prayers. So, while there is still time left, hurry make the cookies now! :)

My First IDFB Challenge Entry!: Mie Aceh

I'm so excited to be writing my first IDFB Challenge entry! Setelah beberapa bulan jadi anggota pasif IDFB (Indonesian Foodblogger) yang hanya bisa mupeng lihat kreasi mbak-mbak yang super duper mouthwatering, akhirnya saya memberanikan diri ikutan IDFB Challenge #11 yang bertemakan Mie/Noodles.

Saya selalu suka makanan berbahan mie. Whether it's mie ayam gerobak, bakmi Gajah Mada, mie kocok, ifumie, mie Jawa, atau mie-mie-an yang lain. Tapi ada satu mie yang menurutku yang sangat menantang untuk lidahku. Rasanya pedas, dengan kuah kental, dan kaya akan rempah. Yah, kalau boleh dibilang sih setipe sama makanan India gitu, hehehe. Ayooo coba tebak!? Yepit's mie Aceh!

Beberapa waktu lalu saya sedang pingiiinnn sekali makan mie Aceh. Tapi apa daya, di Australia ga ada yang jual. Yang bisa saya lakukan hanya ubek-ubek resep di internet. Pengalaman pertama kali membuat mie Aceh, saya menggunakan resep dari salah satu majalah memasak ternama di Jakarta dan saya kecewa berat dengan hasilnya. Rasanya jauh dari yang pernah dulu saya rasakan di rumah makan Aceh. Alhasil saya gunakan tips yang pernah diberikan oleh teman saya yang sesama orang rantau disini and came up with my own recipe. Oya, saking ga sabarnya bikin, sampai ga pakai kerupuk emping!

  • 6 bawang merah
  • 4 bawang putih
  • 150 gr udang kupas
  • 150 gr daging sapi
  • 1 sdt cuka
  • 1 batang daun bawang
  • 900 ml kaldu sapi
  • 1-1/2 sdm kecap manis
  • 300 gr hokkien noodles (atau mie kuning basah bulet)
  • 2 sdm seledri, cincang halus
  • 1 tomat
  • Taoge
  • Kol
  • Garam sesuai selera

Haluskan bahan-bahan berikut:
  • 8 bawang merah
  • 4 bawang putih
  • 4 cabai merah besar
  • 1/2 sdm jinten
  • 4 kapulaga
  • 1 sdt kunyit bubuk
  • 1 sdt lada
  • 1 sdm bubuk kari (optional)

  1. Haluskan semua bumbu halus dengan diuleg atau diblender.
  2. Tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, dan bumbu halus.
  3. Masukkan daging sapi dan udang. Masak hingga berubah warna.
  4. Masukkan tomat, taoge, dan kol yang sudah dipotong tipis. Masak hingga sayuran layu.
  5. Masukkan kaldu sapi, cuka, seledri cincang, dan kecap manis. Masak hingga air berkurang dan mengental. Tambahkan garam sesuai selera.
  6. Masukkan mie dan daun bawang yang sudah dicincang, aduk rata. Masak 1-2 menit.
  7. Hidangkan di piring dengan pelengkap kerupuk emping, timun, dan bawang goreng.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Positive Dog

Last Sunday, hubby and I decided to have our own weekends. He went for rally for Syria around Hyde Park and I went to enjoy Hotaru sushi (my fave!). His rally went on for a couple of hours and I only spend 1 hour, at most, at Hotaru. So, while waiting for him to finish, I went to Kinokuniya, just on the upper floor of Hotaru.

Reading is not my thing, but that time I just had to read something to prepare for an interview, heheh. I basically like to read non-fictions or motivating books. So, I went to the motivation shelf and pick up a small book that I guess I can finish by proof reading in a short time. I came across this book titled "The Positive Dog" by Jon Gordon. The book is super good! I almost bought it, but the price stopped me. The book tells a story about two dogs living in animal shelters waiting to be adopted. Through their journey, they share a lot of things about being positive. Being positive makes you stress less, makes you happier, can lengthen your age, makes you healthier, etc. But staying positive is difficult. You have to feed the "positive dog" with various things like smile voluntarily, do the gratitude walk, etc.

This book is really good to keep you positive. It's small and easy to read. This book help me a bit to relieve the pain inside me, so I really recommend this book to anyone who is currently going through a stressful time and anyone who needs some motivation kicks.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Happy Paper-versary!

As the title goes saying "Happy Paper-versary", indeed it is our first wedding anniversary.

We went out to watch a movie. Had to skip Monday (1-Jul) because it is cheaper on Tuesdays.

It didn't take long for us to realize that we're made for each other, inshaaAllah. And I am very much 100% sure that Allah put His magical hands into our matter. I never knew him, at all, yet after just a month of chatting on Facebook and around 5 times of face-to-face meeting I instantly said "yes" to his proposal. But I wasn't all that stupid just because he graduated from the same high school as me, he plays guitar, and he works in-a-country-that-I've-sweared-to-myself-that-I-will-never-ever-would-want-to-visit that I said "yes". I worked hard to get an answer from God. Alhamdulillah, there was one striking moment where I knew God was telling me, "Dita, this is the person, the answer to your prayers". I realised that finally all of my "hard pray" paid off. Some of my friends joked that that was the result of my i'tikaf, hahaha. But to be honest, I've seeked his help longer than that and put all of my heart out for it.

Some people say, you're a match if your face look-alike. Well, it doesn't happen to everyone, but in our case it does seem to apply. Once, my husband was accompanying me to Qantas office in Jakarta to make a delay to our flights. At the concierge desk, I must admit that both of us acted like siblings. The officer asked us whether we're brother & sister. I laughed at it, and said "No, he's my husband". "You both look-alike, you know," the officer replied. I guess we do :).

Monday, 1 July 2013

Rosewater Meringue Kisses

This cute meringue kisses is definitely a less guilt snack. The ingredients are very simple as well. Kids will definitely love this, because it looks really cute, the color is just oh-so pretty, and it taste yummy melt-in-your-mouth. I had kept one jar full of this kisses and when my husband was having his halaqah at our place, two kids ate almost all of the meringue kisses that I have!

In the real recipe, the kisses are supposed to be sandwiched with cream (or jam?) in the middle. But I didn't bother myself making the cream so I was just happy with the meringues itself :D. Hope you enjoy making this pretty-little-cute meringue kisses!

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1 tsp rosewater extract
  • Few drops of pink food colouring

  1. Beat all of the ingredients for about 15 minutes with electric mixer until sugar is dissolved.
  2. Spoon mixture into piping bag. Using star tube, pipe about 4cm stars onto trays 2 cm apart.

  • Bake all the meringues in one go, because if you leave the mixture too long in open air, it will lose  its fluffiness.